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'The Little Couple': Jen Arnold Expects Longer Recovery After Surgery Complications

The Little Couple star Jen Arnold had a successful hip revision surgery, much to everyone's relief. The wife of Bill Klein took to Instagram and personally shared some updates about how the procedure goes. 

The Little Couple: Jen Arnold Shares Post-surgery Updates

Jen Arnold made it out of surgery well and is now on her way to recovery. The Little Couple fan-favorite took to Instagram recently straight from her hospital bed to update everyone about her current situation.

A beaming Jen told fans her hip revision surgery was a success. The mom of two showed everyone she could now sit up and is doing quite well.

Jen Arnold also thanked everyone who sent her well wishes and good vibes before and after the procedure. The Little Couple star added that she's grateful that it was a success despite the unexpected surprises along the way.

Jen Faced 'Little Hiccups' During Surgery

In the same clip, Jen Arnold revealed that her hip surgery didn't go as smoothly as planned. The Little Couple celeb said she encountered "little hiccups" during the procedure, though she didn't give any further details.

Bill Klein's wife also revealed that due to "complications," she will have a longer recovery time. Still, the neonatologist remains positive about it. Jen pointed out that things could have gone worse, adding that she's just really thankful it worked out well in the end.

Jen Arnold expressed her joy for having a new hip, which hopefully she can use for another 20 years or more. The Little Couple star recently revealed that she knew her old hip was failing but didn't expect it to happen soon.

She traveled to New York City with her husband, Bill Klein, and her mother, Judy Arnold. Jen is expected to be discharged from the hospital soon.

The Little Couple: Jen Arnold - Bill Klein

Pic credit: Jen Arnold/Instagram

The Little Couple Star Looking Forward To Start New Life in Boston

Now that the surgery was a success, Jen Arnold is excited to go back to the outside world and resume her normal life. The Little Couple star hopes to "get back in the swing of things" as soon as she's fully recovered.

Jen is particularly excited to start her new job as Boston Children's Hospital's Simulator program director. She's also accepted a position at the Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital.

Jen Arnold is also looking forward to their new family life in Boston. The Little Couple mom is excited to take on new adventures with her kids, Will and Zoey.

However, Jen knows she has to take things slow for now, especially while in recovery. Still, the TLC star is confident that "this too shall pass."