Fans of CBS soaps rejoice as two of their favorite shows get renewed.
But amid the good news, others can't help but worry about Bold and the Beautiful's future. Is the long-time-running soap getting the boot soon?
CBS Sudsers Renewed
Young and the Restless just got renewed for a four-year contract with CBS. Reports confirmed that the sudser will still be around until 2028, much to fans' delight.
However, its sister soap, Bold and the Beautiful seems to have a different fate.
The sudser has been picked up for another year, which guarantees it run until 2025.
Still, it's a far cry from Y&R's four-year renewal. And with the news of a new soap coming (The Gates), fans can't help but worry about the show's future.
Bold and the Beautiful Renewed for Only a Year?
Apparently, some take this as a sign that Bold and the Beautiful is getting canceled soon.
The show has been around for decades, and for some, it has already run its course.
But B&B supervising producer Casey Kasprzyk clarifies there's no need to worry.
In an interview, Kasprzyk addresses fans' concerns, noting that Young and the Restless and Bold and the Beautiful are two different shows and on different renewal timelines.
"So, I saw a lot of comments saying, 'Hmm. Y&R got four years, B&B only got one,'" he explains. "Well, the truth is, we are two different shows with two different contracts, two different deals."
Is B&B Getting Canceled?
Kasprzyk adds that Bold and the Beautiful was "on a three-year deal and so the third year was picked up."
Apparently, they will negotiate for a brand new contract next year, when the current one ends.
Basically, Bold and the Beautiful is still in the process of completing its existing three-year deal from back in 2022.
"So we are currently on a deal that gives us one more year," Kasprzyk explains further. "So we're on through 2025. Thank you, CBS. We love being on CBS and we couldn't be happier."
Kasprzyk assures fans that Bold and the Beautiful will stick around for many years to come.
"We'll have more news next year and hopefully, we're here for a very, very long time."